I sometimes do search on what's the newest buzz on the internet. Supposedly first appearing on April 8, thir rumor is simply not true as the commentators say she had a tape on her nip. Just to check the sites, beware of any redirect to the fake scanning site htttp://www4.searchprotect2.xorg.pl/ or http://www4.sunshine51td.xorg.pl
If you see this on a Windows machine, be sure to close it at once by clicking on the browser's history icon.
Maybe the reputation of Filipinas as modest makes the Filipinos eager to find any slips?
The following are redirecting searches to the the mentioned fake-virus scanning security site:
and I believe there are other numerous sites. So don't be a hot-blooded guy or gal dying to see her nips(there are none or the pics have been doctored).
Doctored photo from WorldBuzzNow.
It is better that you use Linux as your OS.
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