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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Inaugural speech of the 15th president of the Philippines

Here is the English translation from Inquirer of the 15th president of the Philippines. We also make this speech available in our other blogs.

His Excellency Jose Ramos Horta, Former President Fidel V. Ramos, Former President Joseph Estrada, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and members of the Senate, House Speaker Prospero Nograles and members of the House, justices of the Supreme Court, members of the foreign delegations,Your Excellencies of the diplomatic corps, fellow colleagues in government, aking mga kababayan.

My presence here today is proof that you are my true strength. I never expected that I will be here taking my oath of office before you, as your president. I never imagined that I would be tasked with continuing the mission of my parents. I never entertained the ambition to be the symbol of hope, and to inherit the problems of our nation.

I had a simple goal in life: to be true to my parents and our country as an honorable son, a caring brother, and a good citizen.

My father offered his life so our democracy could live. My mother devoted her life to nurturing that democracy. I will dedicate my life to making our democracy reach its fullest potential: that of ensuring equality for all. My family has sacrificed much and I am willing to do this again if necessary.

Although I was born to famous parents, I know and feel the problems of ordinary citizens. We all know what it is like to have a government that plays deaf and dumb. We know what it is like to be denied justice, to be ignored by those in whom we placed our trust and tasked to become our advocates.

Have you ever been ignored by the very government you helped put in power? I have. Have you had to endure being rudely shoved aside by the siren-blaring escorts of those who love to display their position and power over you? I have, too. Have you experienced exasperation and anger at a government that instead of serving you, needs to be endured by you? So have I.

I am like you. Many of our countrymen have already voted with their feet - migrating to other countries in search of change or tranquility. They have endured hardship, risked their lives because they believe that compared to their current state here, there is more hope for them in another country, no matter how bleak it may be. In moments when I thought of only my own welfare, I also wondered—is it possible that I can find the peace and quiet that I crave in another country? Is our government beyond redemption? Has it been written that the Filipino’s lot is merely to suffer?

Today marks the end of a regime indifferent to the appeals of the people. It is not Noynoy who found a way. You are the reason why the silent suffering of the nation is about to end. This is the beginning of my burden, but if many of us will bear the cross we will lift it, no matter how heavy it is.

Through good governance in the coming years, we will lessen our problems. The destiny of the Filipino will return to its rightful place, and as each year passes, the Filipino’s problems will continue to lessen with the assurance of progress in their lives.

We are here to serve and not to lord over you. The mandate given to me was one of change. I accept your marching orders to transform our government from one that is self-serving to one that works for the welfare of the nation.

This mandate is the social contract that we agreed upon. It is the promise I made during the campaign, which you accepted on election day.

During the campaign we said, “If no one is corrupt, no one will be poor.” That is no mere slogan for posters—it is the defining principle that will serve as the foundation of our administration.

Our foremost duty is to lift the nation from poverty through honest and effective governance.

The first step is to have leaders who are ethical, honest, and true public servants. I will set the example. I will strive to be a good model. I will not break the trust you have placed in me. I will ensure that this, too, will be the advocacy of my Cabinet and those who will join our government.

I do not believe that all of those who serve in our government are corrupt. In truth, the majority of them are honest. They joined government to serve and do good. Starting today, they will have the opportunity to show that they have what it takes. I am counting on them to help fight corruption within the bureaucracy.

To those who have been put in positions by unlawful means, this is my warning: we will begin earning back the trust of our people by reviewing midnight appointments. Let this serve as a warning to those who intend to continue the crooked ways that have become the norm for too long.

To our impoverished countrymen, starting today, your government will be your champion.

We will not disregard the needs of our students. We will begin by addressing the glaring shortage in classrooms and educational facilities.

Gradually, we will lessen the lack of infrastructures for transportation, tourism and trade. From now on, mediocre work will not be good enough when it comes to roads, bridges, and buildings because we will hold contractors responsible for maintaining their projects in good condition.

We will revive the emergency employment program established by former President Corazon Aquino. This will provide jobs for local communities and will help in the development of their and our economy.

We will not be the cause of your suffering or hardship. We will strengthen collections by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and we will fight corruption in the Bureau of Customs in order to fund our objectives for the public welfare, such as:

• Quality education, including vocational education, so that those who choose not to attend college or those who cannot afford it can find dignified livelihood;

• Improved public health services such as PhilHealth for all within three years;

• A home for every family, within safe communities.

We will strengthen the armed forces and the police, not to serve the interests of those who want to wield power with impunity, but to give added protection for ordinary folk. The armed forces and the police risk their lives daily so that the nation can live in peace and security. The population has doubled and yet their numbers remain unchanged. It is not right that those who make sacrifices are treated pitifully.

If there was a fertilizer scam in the past, today there will be security for farmers. We will help them with irrigation, extension services, and marketing their products at the best possible prices.

We are directing Secretary Alcala to set up trading centers that will directly link farmers and consumers thereby eliminating middlemen and opportunities for corruption. In this way, funds can be shared by farmers and consumers. We will make our country attractive to investors. We will cut red tape dramatically and implement stable economic policies. We will level the playing field for investors and make government an enabler, not a hindrance to business. This is the only means by which we can provide jobs for our people.

Our goal is to create jobs at home so that there will be no need to look for employment abroad. However, as we work towards that end, I am ordering the DFA, POEA, OWWA, and other relevant agencies to be even more responsive to the needs and welfare of our overseas Filipino workers.

We will strengthen the process of consultation and feedback. We will strive to uphold the constitutional right of citizens to information on matters of public concern.

We relived the spirit of people power during the campaign. Let it take us to good and effective governance. Those who believe in people power put the welfare of others before their own.

I can forgive those who did me wrong but I have no right to forgive those who abused our people.

To those who talk about reconciliation, if they mean that they would like us to simply forget about the wrongs that they have committed in the past, we have this to say: there can be no reconciliation without justice. When we allow crimes to go unpunished, we give consent to their occurring over and over again. Secretary de Lima, you have your marching orders. Begin the process of providing true and complete justice for all.

We are also happy to inform you the acceptance of Chief Justice Hilario Davide of the challenge of strengthening and heading a Truth Commission that will shed light on many unanswered issues that continue to haunt our country.

My government will be sincere in dealing with all the peoples of Mindanao. We are committed to a peaceful and just settlement of conflict, inclusive of the interests of all -- may they be Lumads, Bangsamoro or Christian.

We shalI defeat the enemy by wielding the tools of justice, social reform, and equitable governance leading to a better life. With proper governance life will improve for all. When we are all living well, who will want to go back to living under oppression?

If I have all of you by my side, we will be able to build a nation in which there will be equality of opportunity, because each of us fulfilled our duties and responsibilities equally.

After the elections, you proved that it is the people who wield power in this country.

This is what democracy means. It is the foundation of our unity. We campaigned for change. Because of this, the Filipino stands tall once more. We are all part of a nation that can begin to dream again.

To our friends and neighbors around the world, we are ready to take our place as a reliable member of the community of nations, a nation serious about its commitments and which harmonizes its national interests with its international responsibilities.

We will be a predictable and consistent place for investment, a nation where everyone will say, “it all works.”

Today, I am inviting you to pledge to yourselves and to our people. No one shall be left behind.

No more junkets, no more senseless spending. No more turning back on pledges made during the campaign, whether today or in the coming challenges that will confront us over the next six years. No more influence-peddling, no more patronage politics, no more stealing. No more sirens, no more short cuts, no more bribes. It is time for us to work together once more.

We are here today because we stood together and believed in hope. We had no resources to campaign other than our common faith in the inherent goodness of the Filipino.

The people who are behind us dared to dream. Today, the dream starts to become a reality. To those among you who are still undecided about sharing the common burden I have only one question: Are you going to quit now that we have won?

You are the boss so I cannot ignore your orders. We will design and implement an interaction and feedback mechanism that can effectively respond to your needs and aspirations.

You are the ones who brought me here—our volunteers—old, young, celebrity, ordinary folks who went around the country to campaign for change; my household help who provided for all my personal needs; my family, friends, colleagues at work, who shared, cared, and gave their support; my lawyers who stayed all hours to guard my votes and make sure they were counted; and the millions of Filipinos who prevailed, kept faith, and never lost hope - I offer my heartfelt gratitude.

I will not be able to face my parents and you who have brought me here if do not fulfill the promises I made.

My parents sought nothing less, died for nothing less, than democracy and peace. I am blessed by this legacy. I shall carry the torch forward.

My hope is that when I leave office, everyone can say that we have traveled far on the right path, and that we are able to bequeath a better future to the next generation. Join me in continuing this fight for change.

Thank you and long live the Filipino people!

Src: Inquirer.net

Monday, June 28, 2010

Topblogs/Education rankings for the week ending July 4: June 28, 29,30,July 1,2,3,4 updates


The reported rankings are now closed for this week.

Visit the source of our data: Topblogs/Education for the latest rankings for verification. Topblogs does not store a daily snapshot of the rankings. This blog only reports the rankings at around 12:00 Noon. Actually, topblogs closes the weekly rankings at around 1:00 pm, but we cannot record the exact moment it restarts for the next week! So readers are advised to see again at around that time 1:00pm. The top 50 rankings may have hopefully stabilized by that time. A change in +1, -1 should not give much concern to the blog owners/writers!

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom

July 04, 2010
We may have to split our daily reportings in a separate post if the large size of daily table is inconvenient. We are now able to process 150 blogs listed in the topblogs/education rankings. We hope to add the rest of the rated sites listed in topblogs someday.

It is a manual intervention to add links to sites which are declared NEW. Please be patient. Any comments, complaints on the rankings, please address to the webmster ernesto. adorio @ gmail . com
Remove the anti-spam spaces.

Congratulations to Coolbuster for finally wresting back the top #1 crown, its web site is now cleaner, with fewer widgets compared with the old design.

Today Prev Chg Blog Behind Google PR Alexa
1(32,269) 1(29119) +0(3150) Coolbuster - The Power of Information 0 3 155156
2(30,147) 2(26822) +0(3325) Thinking Made Easy 2122 2 148688
3(13,054) 3(12129) +0(925) PRC Board Exam Results 17093 1 5078599
4(9,684) 4(8508) +0(1176) Civil Service and PRC Board Exam Results 3370 2 1162883
5(8,561) 5(7560) +0(1001) NurseReview.Org 1123 4 491566
6(6,590) 6(5563) +0(1027) Smackblog 1971 2 19299
7(6,176) 7(4625) +0(1551) The Resident Architect 414 1 418333
8(3,586) 8(3057) +0(529) jlapitan.com 2590 5 967407
9(3,527) 9(2908) +0(619) Scolex Portal 59 1 788614
10(2,750) 10(2372) +0(378) Philippine Nurse 777 3 1963119
11(2,106) 11(1790) +0(316) Maikling Kuwento 644 2 9701906
12(2,037) 12(1773) +0(264) Bazics NewsFeeds 69 0 3837975
13(2,025) 13(1698) +0(327) Batangueno 12 3 54
14(1,539) 14(1348) +0(191) Ancient Digger 486 6 182556
15(1,400) 15(1173) +0(227) linkmoko 139 3 1948356
16(1,125) 16(1040) +0(85) NLE Results July 2010 275 1 8057313
17(1,112) 17(985) +0(127) Mathematics and Multimedia 13 2 4
18(1,041) 18(895) +0(146) digital explorations 71 2 624490
19(833) 19(706) +0(127) The Critical Thinker(tm) 208 4 3056903
20(672) 20(561) +0(111) Infophalanx 161 0 17180181
21(643) 21(548) +0(95) Pilipinas atbp. 29 1 26842199
22(627) 22(511) +0(116) The Philippines Top Universities and colleges 16 0 16756728
23(577) 23(503) +0(74) keeping math simple 50 2 3331682
24(570) 24(489) +0(81) School Librarian In Action 7 6 1218907
25(545) 25(469) +0(76) Modern Architectural Concepts 25 4 11354763
26 (531) 32(405) +6(126) Philippine Nursing Directory 14 1 5797173
27(503) 27(432) +0(71) mentors town 28 2 15997651
28(498) 26(432) -2(66) Architecture Overload 5 3 9760505
29 (495) 30(416) +1(79) Nursing Lectures 3 2 8972271
30(483) 29(422) -1(61) Coffeeholic writes 12 0 26182756
31(483) 31(410) +0(73) Hibang 0 3 9733381
32(477) 28(426) -4(51) rizal college of laguna 6 1 20216087
33(473) 33(392) +0(81) Christian Homeschooler 4 1 5543898
34(452) 34(391) +0(61) Board Exam Review 21 1 9683350
35 (401) 36(337) +1(64) NurseXchange.com 51 1 2947868
36(399) 35(343) -1(56) pinoyachievers 2 0 15439364
37 (327) 39(236) +2(91) Amps4u - Learn Share Download 72 0 -1
38(271) 38(239) +0(32) time travelling 56 3 13171094
39(269) 37(243) -2(26) Nursing Board Exam 2 1 4531922
40(262) 40(229) +0(33) CAFA Notes 7 3 14441934
41(251) 41(204) +0(47) PRC Board Exam Results:2 11 1 5078599
42 (227) 44(186) +2(41) What is a Progressive School? 24 3 10031804
43(224) 43(188) +0(36) ErickJohnCuevas 3 0 -1
44 (214) 47(175) +3(39) tips ni katoto 10 1 -1
45(202) 42(192) -3(10) Green Architecture 12 3 8879120
46(202) 46(176) +0(26) Architectural E-Books 0 2 20384942
47(200) 45(178) -2(22) Licensure Exam for Teachers | LET Results 2 2 6411182
48 (186) 49(157) +1(29) Review Portal Philippines 14 0 968218
49(183) 48(167) -1(16) LOVESUPERKARMA 3 1 793496
50(167) 50(153) +0(14) Post Homework 16 0 19646993
51 (149) 52(126) +1(23) Investing Pinoy 18 0 4333075
52 (148) 55(106) +3(42) Herbal Medicines 1 0 11130830
53(144) 51(130) -2(14) Career | Male Nurse 4 3 660411
54(141) 53(122) -1(19) Teacher's Pet Corner 3 0 19299
55(131) 54(111) -1(20) A Teacher's Odyssey 10 3 5112953
56 (119) 59(99) +3(20) College Student in Capiz 12 0 -1
57(118) 56(104) -1(14) The Sh*t Detector 1 0 6220975
58(116) 58(100) +0(16) Doc Ernie's adventure 2 0 -1
59(112) 57(104) -2(8) Jojoeland 4 0 8179258
60 (105) 61(92) +1(13) Business Matters 7 0 5012844
61(102) 60(94) -1(8) Intensive English Grammar Course 3 0 -1
62(100) 62(85) +0(15) Creative Hemispheres 2 0 -1
63(92) 63(83) +0(9) littlelabster 8 1 19299
64(83) 64(76) +0(7) B.R.I.G.H.T. Art Class 9 3 26236702
65(83) 65(70) +0(13) The Learning Life of Edward Palomo 0 3 4941338
66(76) 66(68) +0(8) Philippine Exam Results 7 1 3213268
67(65) 67(55) +0(10) Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 11 0 -1
68(62) 68(50) +0(12) Journey of a Filipino Biology Teacher 3 0 -1
69(52) 69(47) +0(5) UNC Placement Service 10 0 -1
70 (48) 71(37) +1(11) Filamerian Online Community 4 2 6263155
71(47) 70(45) -1(2) A Throb of Knowledge 1 1 7091657
72(43) 72(35) +0(8) PRC Board Exam Results - Board and Bar Passers & Topnotchers 4 0 -1
73 (40) 74(34) +1(6) Geometric Algebra 3 0 -1
74(37) 73(34) -1(3) Education, Development, Progress of the Learner and Personal Growth 3 0 13337911
75(36) 75(32) +0(4) Padre Faura's Notebook 1 0 -1
76(35) 76(30) +0(5) Accountancy Student 1 0 2735281
77 (34) 79(26) +2(8) Thinking and Teaching 1 0 -1
78(31) 77(27) -1(4) Facts and Fiction 3 2 22235812
79(30) 78(27) -1(3) The ECE Hub 1 1 24085903
80 (29) 86(20) +6(9) hudyaka 1 0 -1
81(27) 81(23) +0(4) PRC: Philippine Board Exam Results 2 0 21375531
82(27) 80(25) -2(2) NLE Results November 2009 0 1 -1
83 (27) 91(19) +8(8) Super World Records 0 1 -1
84 (26) 87(20) +3(6) thesisworks 1 0 -1
85(25) 82(22) -3(3) My Capiznon Bloggers Blog 1 0 -1
86(25) 83(22) -3(3) PRC EXAMS 0 0 -1
87(25) 84(22) -3(3) Trabaho Para Sayo 0 0 -1
88 (24) 89(19) +1(5) Einstein 1 0 -1
89(23) 88(20) -1(3) A Tribute To An Angel 1 0 -1
90 (23) 97(17) +7(6) Virtual Classroom of Prof. Lardizabal 0 0 -1
91(23) New EJPM 0 0 -1
92(23) 85(21) -7(2) She Teaches 0 0 -1
93(23) 92(19) -1(4) webblogkoto 0 0 -1
94(21) 93(18) -1(3) from the mentor's desk 2 0 -1
95(21) 94(18) -1(3) Gurong Pinay 0 0 -1
96(21) 95(18) -1(3) KANIYAH 0 0 -1
97(21) 90(19) -7(2) QUANTCrunch Training Solutions & Consultancy 0 0 -1
98 (19) 100(16) +2(3) EVERYTHING ABOUT EEE 2 0 -1
99(19) 96(17) -3(2) Scholar Bank 0 0 -1
100(19) New Fscratch mobile 0 0 -1
101(18) New Astrodeus Galaxy 1 0 -1
102(17) 98(17) -4(0) Change of Time...Time of Change 1 0 -1
103(17) 99(17) -4(0) teacher feature 0 0 -1
104(15) New USJR Law Mentor 2 0 -1
105(15) New VARIATION 0 0 -1
106(14) New 3 TEST OF SUCCESS 1 0 -1
107(14) New Poverty is not lack of Money; Poverty is Mismanaged Monet 0 0 -1
108(14) New A Lifestyle of Thriftiness 0 0 -1
109(13) New www.pinoymediainsider.com 1 0 -1
110(12) New jessamyneology.ü 1 0 -1
111(12) New WishLily 0 0 -1
112(12) New elie blogs 0 0 -1
113(12) New LearnFookien 0 0 -1
114(11) New The Blog Writes 1 0 -1
115(11) 67(55) -48(-44) Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 0 0 -1
116(11) New Call for Research Papers and Other Opportunities (Pinoy Style) 0 0 -1
117(11) New Tempat Belajar 0 0 -1
118(11) New what you see is what you get 0 0 -1
119(11) New Tropical Architecture 0 0 -1
120(10) New Life, Research, Education 1 0 -1
121(10) New Kicking Pinay 0 0 -1
122(10) New APACER (named after my local USB) ala akong maicp eh.Haha :)) 0 0 -1
123(10) New Under the Sampaloc Tree 0 0 -1
124(10) New Manay National High School 0 0 -1
125(9) New Homeschooling in the Philippines 1 0 -1
126(9) New Tula, Maikling Kwento, Atbp 0 0 -1
127(9) New BASA 0 0 -1
128(8) New PASIG High School 1 0 -1
129(7) New Whatever with the SHADOW 1 0 -1
130(6) New WCSAT 1 0 -1
131(6) New Emotionsblog 0 0 -1
132(6) New Free Software Explorations 0 0 -1
133(6) New Engineering 0 0 -1
134(5) New Sagot ni Juan 1 0 -1
135(5) New college life 0 0 -1
136(5) New chaxmaster 0 0 -1
137(5) New Green Minded 0 0 -1
138(4) New Philippines Taxation 1 0 -1
139(4) New HCEC interactive 0 0 -1
140(4) New dahildyanmynagtxt 0 0 -1
141(4) New remzkey 0 0 -1
142(4) New litsong paksiw 0 0 -1
143(4) New The Journey to Carosucan 0 0 -1
144(3) New Euclid 1 0 -1
145(3) New Homeschooling Yona 0 0 -1
146(3) New Teacher Ako! 0 0 -1
147(2) New Araling Pilipino ng Pilipinas 1 0 -1
148(2) New Inet Computer Education 101 WebBlog 0 0 -1
149(2) New Beyond School Center for Supplemental Education in the Philippines 0 0 -1
150(2) New Teaching with fashion 0 0 -1

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom

July 03, 2010

The data was taken around 1:25PM instead of the usual 12:00 Noon due to editing errors of our automated script, but we will have a surprise on Monday when the new rankings for the week will start! We will report up to the top 100 ranked sites of topblogs!
Stay tuned!

It looks that coolbuster will finally reclaim its former top glory, from Thinking Made Easy, but we will wait for tomorrow when the rankings for the week closes. It recaptured the #1 spot on July 1. Meanwhile our own blogs are suffering low web audience numbers, but we will do something about it this month of July.

Please note that we take our data at 12:00 Noon except when there are events beyond our control, or when there are errors in the automated scripts. The Topblogs weekly rankings closes at around 1:00PM but we cannot catch the last rankings since Topblogs does not store the daily rankings.

Today Prev Chg Blog Behind Google PR Alexa
1(29,119) 1(24140) +0(4979) Coolbuster - The Power of Information 0 3 155452
2(26,822) 2(21955) +0(4867) Thinking Made Easy 2297 2 147494
3(12,129) 3(9712) +0(2417) PRC Board Exam Results 14693 1 5117354
4(8,508) 4(6476) +0(2032) Civil Service and PRC Board Exam Results 3621 2 1218275
5(7,560) 5(5838) +0(1722) NurseReview.Org 948 4 474475
6(5,563) 6(4362) +0(1201) Smackblog 1997 2 19218
7(4,625) 7(3865) +0(760) The Resident Architect 938 1 423983
8(3,057) 8(2563) +0(494) jlapitan.com 1568 5 975719
9(2,908) 9(2281) +0(627) Scolex Portal 149 1 813675
10(2,372) 10(1849) +0(523) Philippine Nurse 536 3 1932227
11(1,790) 11(1610) +0(180) Maikling Kuwento 582 2 9769746
12 (1,773) 13(1309) +1(464) Bazics NewsFeeds 17 0 4336373
13(1,698) 12(1394) -1(304) Batangueno 75 3 54
14(1,348) 14(1095) +0(253) Ancient Digger 350 6 182073
15(1,173) 15(1006) +0(167) linkmoko 175 3 1869916
16 (1,040) 17(756) +1(284) NLE Results July 2010 133 1 8115395
17(985) 16(825) -1(160) Mathematics and Multimedia 55 2 4
18(895) 18(704) +0(191) digital explorations 90 2 632826
19(706) 19(577) +0(129) The Critical Thinker(tm) 189 4 3081053
20 (561) 21(450) +1(111) Infophalanx 145 0 12525414
21(548) 20(495) -1(53) Pilipinas atbp. 13 1 27013754
22(511) 22(412) +0(99) The Philippines Top Universities and colleges 37 0 16864208
23 (503) 24(397) +1(106) keeping math simple 8 2 3357905
24 (489) 25(391) +1(98) School Librarian In Action 14 6 1215825
25(469) 23(401) -2(68) Modern Architectural Concepts 20 4 11430850
26 (432) 29(352) +3(80) Architecture Overload 37 3 9828451
27 (432) 28(363) +1(69) mentors town 0 2 10833672
28(426) 27(363) -1(63) rizal college of laguna 6 1 20334570
29 (422) 31(318) +2(104) Coffeeholic writes 4 0 26353098
30(416) 30(323) +0(93) Nursing Lectures 6 2 9035523
31(410) 26(368) -5(42) Hibang 6 3 9801502
32 (405) 39(182) +7(223) Philippine Nursing Directory 5 1 5839980
33(392) 32(314) -1(78) Christian Homeschooler 13 1 5584972
34(391) 33(295) -1(96) Board Exam Review 1 1 9751148
35(343) 34(294) -1(49) pinoyachievers 48 0 15542581
36(337) 35(256) -1(81) NurseXchange.com 6 1 2970982
37(243) 36(208) -1(35) Nursing Board Exam 94 1 4377663
38(239) 38(188) +0(51) time travelling 4 3 13260448
39(236) 37(190) -2(46) Amps4u - Learn Share Download 3 0 -1
40 (229) 42(162) +2(67) CAFA Notes 7 3 14542702
41(204) 41(165) +0(39) PRC Board Exam Results:2 25 1 5117354
42 (192) 43(155) +1(37) Green Architecture 12 3 8941288
43(188) 40(167) -3(21) ErickJohnCuevas 4 0 -1
44(186) 44(155) +0(31) What is a Progressive School? 2 3 10099752
45(178) 45(154) +0(24) Licensure Exam for Teachers | LET Results 8 2 6459708
46(176) 46(147) +0(29) Architectural E-Books 2 2 20501317
47(175) 47(143) +0(32) tips ni katoto 1 1 -1
48 (167) 49(131) +1(36) LOVESUPERKARMA 8 1 781856
49 (157) 50(124) +1(33) Review Portal Philippines 10 0 976540
50(153) 48(134) -2(19) Post Homework 4 0 19762105

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom

July 02, 2010

Today Prev Chg Blog Behind Google PR Alexa
1(24,140) 1(18819) +0(5321) Coolbuster - The Power of Information 0 3 156128
2(21,955) 2(16481) +0(5474) Thinking Made Easy 2185 2 146764
3(9,712) 3(7356) +0(2356) PRC Board Exam Results 12243 1 4743837
4(6,476) 4(4423) +0(2053) Civil Service and PRC Board Exam Results 3236 2 1230062
5(5,838) 5(4361) +0(1477) NurseReview.Org 638 4 463444
6(4,362) 6(3487) +0(875) Smackblog 1476 2 19253
7(3,865) 7(3180) +0(685) The Resident Architect 497 1 436320
8(2,563) 8(2085) +0(478) jlapitan.com 1302 5 975406
9(2,281) 9(1778) +0(503) Scolex Portal 282 1 842380
10(1,849) 10(1321) +0(528) Philippine Nurse 432 3 1899374
11(1,610) 11(1207) +0(403) Maikling Kuwento 239 2 11742832
12(1,394) 12(1047) +0(347) Batangueno 216 3 54
13(1,309) 13(878) +0(431) Bazics NewsFeeds 85 0 4651236
14(1,095) 14(873) +0(222) Ancient Digger 214 6 184020
15(1,006) 15(815) +0(191) linkmoko 89 3 1844797
16(825) 16(613) +0(212) Mathematics and Multimedia 181 2 4
17(756) 17(537) +0(219) NLE Results July 2010 69 1 8115669
18(704) 18(526) +0(178) digital explorations 52 2 644464
19(577) 19(443) +0(134) The Critical Thinker(tm) 127 4 3170636
20 (495) 21(359) +1(136) Pilipinas atbp. 82 1 27019767
21(450) 20(360) -1(90) Infophalanx 45 0 12522138
22(412) 22(303) +0(109) The Philippines Top Universities and colleges 38 0 16867457
23 (401) 25(289) +2(112) Modern Architectural Concepts 11 4 11430388
24(397) 23(303) -1(94) keeping math simple 4 2 3357134
25(391) 24(289) -1(102) School Librarian In Action 6 6 1215332
26 (368) 30(245) +4(123) Hibang 23 3 9800999
27(363) 26(273) -1(90) rizal college of laguna 5 1 20333869
28(363) 28(266) +0(97) mentors town 0 2 10831930
29(352) 27(270) -2(82) Architecture Overload 11 3 9827942
30(323) 29(254) -1(69) Nursing Lectures 29 2 8320278
31(318) 31(236) +0(82) Coffeeholic writes 5 0 26354623
32(314) 32(227) +0(87) Christian Homeschooler 4 1 5584163
33(295) 33(220) +0(75) Board Exam Review 19 1 9750762
34(294) 34(213) +0(81) pinoyachievers 1 0 15545062
35(256) 35(175) +0(81) NurseXchange.com 38 1 2970397
36(208) 36(159) +0(49) Nursing Board Exam 48 1 4377534
37 (190) 48(75) +11(115) Amps4u - Learn Share Download 18 0 -1
38(188) 37(147) -1(41) time travelling 2 3 13262720
39(182) New Philippine Nursing Directory 6 1 5839452
40(167) 40(117) +0(50) ErickJohnCuevas 15 0 -1
41(165) 39(118) -2(47) PRC Board Exam Results:2 2 1 4743837
42 (162) 43(117) +1(45) CAFA Notes 3 3 14546157
43(155) 41(117) -2(38) Green Architecture 7 3 8941376
44(155) 38(120) -6(35) What is a Progressive School? 0 3 10099936
45(154) 42(117) -3(37) Licensure Exam for Teachers | LET Results 1 2 6458986
46(147) 44(110) -2(37) Architectural E-Books 7 2 20502498
47(143) 46(97) -1(46) tips ni katoto 4 1 -1
48(134) 47(92) -1(42) Post Homework 9 0 19761376
49(131) New LOVESUPERKARMA 3 1 799174
50(124) 45(102) -5(22) Review Portal Philippines 7 0 981748

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom

July 1

The first working day of the newly minted president after his inauguration. We expect changes in the rankings, as the recent events were some of the buzzes this week.

Today Prev Chg Blog Behind Google PR Alexa
1 (18,819) 2(8852) +1(9967) Coolbuster - The Power of Information 0 3 155625
2(16,481) 1(10603) -1(5878) Thinking Made Easy 2338 2 145678
3(7,356) 3(4665) +0(2691) PRC Board Exam Results 9125 1 4743913
4(4,423) 4(3002) +0(1421) Civil Service and PRC Board Exam Results 2933 2 1220698
5(4,361) 5(2799) +0(1562) NurseReview.Org 62 4 471821
6(3,487) 6(2304) +0(1183) Smackblog 874 2 19234
7(3,180) 7(1577) +0(1603) The Resident Architect 307 1 456471
8(2,085) 8(1536) +0(549) jlapitan.com 1095 5 975145
9(1,778) 9(1196) +0(582) Scolex Portal 307 1 854669
10(1,321) 10(838) +0(483) Philippine Nurse 457 3 1898955
11 (1,207) 12(651) +1(556) Maikling Kuwento 114 2 11724746
12(1,047) 11(752) -1(295) Batangueno 160 3 54
13 (878) 15(478) +2(400) Bazics NewsFeeds 169 0 4651468
14(873) 14(607) +0(266) Ancient Digger 5 6 184307
15(815) 13(622) -2(193) linkmoko 58 3 1900291
16 (613) 17(365) +1(248) Mathematics and Multimedia 202 2 4
17(537) 16(369) -1(168) NLE Results July 2010 76 1 8115577
18(526) 18(348) +0(178) digital explorations 11 2 642215
19(443) 19(297) +0(146) The Critical Thinker(tm) 83 4 3170329
20(360) 20(241) +0(119) Infophalanx 83 0 12521375
21 (359) 26(178) +5(181) Pilipinas atbp. 1 1 26960978
22(303) 21(187) -1(116) The Philippines Top Universities and colleges 56 0 16868046
23 (303) 24(185) +1(118) keeping math simple 0 2 3357121
24 (289) 27(175) +3(114) School Librarian In Action 14 6 1215180
25(289) 23(185) -2(104) Modern Architectural Concepts 0 4 11429571
26 (273) 30(145) +4(128) rizal college of laguna 16 1 20332213
27(270) 22(186) -5(84) Architecture Overload 3 3 12169857
28(266) 25(183) -3(83) mentors town 4 2 10813409
29(254) 28(150) -1(104) Nursing Lectures 12 2 8320274
30 (245) 32(132) +2(113) Hibang 9 3 9802223
31 (236) 35(117) +4(119) Coffeeholic writes 9 0 26352218
32(227) 29(148) -3(79) Christian Homeschooler 9 1 5583233
33(220) 31(133) -2(87) Board Exam Review 7 1 9751305
34(213) 33(123) -1(90) pinoyachievers 7 0 15551614
35 (175) 36(111) +1(64) NurseXchange.com 38 1 2970122
36(159) 34(120) -2(39) Nursing Board Exam 16 1 3516549
37(147) 37(83) +0(64) time travelling 12 3 10295430
38 (120) 41(76) +3(44) What is a Progressive School? 27 3 10102148
39(118) 39(79) +0(39) PRC Board Exam Results:2 2 1 4743913
40(117) New ErickJohnCuevas 1 0 -1
41 (117) 42(69) +1(48) Green Architecture 0 3 8941477
42(117) 38(82) -4(35) Licensure Exam for Teachers | LET Results 0 2 6448467
43(117) 40(79) -3(38) CAFA Notes 0 3 14551502
44(110) 43(69) -1(41) Architectural E-Books 7 2 15482891
45(102) 45(61) +0(41) Review Portal Philippines 8 0 981590
46(97) 44(64) -2(33) tips ni katoto 5 1 -1
47(92) New Post Homework 5 0 19740335
48(75) New Amps4u - Learn Share Download 17 0 -1
49(72) 48(48) -1(24) Teacher's Pet Corner 3 0 19343
50(70) New Jojoeland 2 0 8238695

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom

June 30

Today Prev Chg Blog Behind Google PR Alexa
1(10,603) 1(5020) +0(5583) Thinking Made Easy 0 2 142395
2(8,852) 2(3651) +0(5201) Coolbuster - The Power of Information 1751 3 151669
3(4,665) 3(1596) +0(3069) PRC Board Exam Results 4187 1 4744408
4 (3,002) 6(1235) +2(1767) Civil Service and PRC Board Exam Results 1663 2 1172295
5(2,799) 4(1414) -1(1385) NurseReview.Org 203 4 529838
6(2,304) 5(1259) -1(1045) Smackblog 495 2 19205
7 (1,577) 14(280) +7(1297) The Resident Architect 727 1 469261
8(1,536) 7(1020) -1(516) jlapitan.com 41 5 973223
9(1,196) 9(653) +0(543) Scolex Portal 340 1 985744
10 (838) 12(369) +2(469) Philippine Nurse 358 3 1875303
11(752) 11(429) +0(323) Batangueno 86 3 54
12(651) 10(436) -2(215) Maikling Kuwento 101 2 11742788
13 (622) 15(232) +2(390) linkmoko 29 3 1782309
14(607) 13(307) -1(300) Ancient Digger 15 6 184477
15 (478) 17(203) +2(275) Bazics NewsFeeds 129 0 5082507
16(369) 16(217) +0(152) NLE Results July 2010 109 1 -1
17 (365) 18(189) +1(176) Mathematics and Multimedia 4 2 4
18 (348) 19(156) +1(192) digital explorations 17 2 681821
19 (297) 21(119) +2(178) The Critical Thinker(tm) 51 4 2959311
20 (241) 23(115) +3(126) Infophalanx 56 0 14075719
21 (187) 28(90) +7(97) The Philippines Top Universities and colleges 54 0 16865162
22 (186) 30(85) +8(101) Architecture Overload 1 3 12184955
23 (185) 29(90) +6(95) Modern Architectural Concepts 1 4 21869859
24 (185) 25(100) +1(85) keeping math simple 0 2 3356902
25(183) 22(116) -3(67) mentors town 2 2 10832418
26(178) 20(125) -6(53) Pilipinas atbp. 5 1 27045955
27(175) 27(95) +0(80) School Librarian In Action 3 6 1279637
28 (150) 34(75) +6(75) Nursing Lectures 25 2 8323656
29 (148) 31(77) +2(71) Christian Homeschooler 2 1 5583826
30(145) 26(96) -4(49) rizal college of laguna 3 1 20322468
31 (133) 33(75) +2(58) Board Exam Review 12 1 9754779
32 (132) 36(65) +4(67) Hibang 1 3 8279456
33(123) 32(76) -1(47) pinoyachievers 9 0 15544022
34 (120) 35(70) +1(50) Nursing Board Exam 3 1 3523296
35 (117) 40(49) +5(68) Coffeeholic writes 3 0 26370275
36 (111) 37(63) +1(48) NurseXchange.com 6 1 2901839
37 (83) 43(40) +6(43) time travelling 28 3 10312474
38 (82) 39(49) +1(33) Licensure Exam for Teachers | LET Results 1 2 6460256
39 (79) 47(37) +8(42) PRC Board Exam Results:2 3 1 4744408
40 (79) 42(44) +2(35) CAFA Notes 0 3 14556667
41 (76) 45(38) +4(38) What is a Progressive School? 3 3 10107396
42(69) New Green Architecture 7 3 8941622
43 (69) 50(31) +7(38) Architectural E-Books 0 2 15504526
44(64) New tips ni katoto 5 1 -1
45(61) New Review Portal Philippines 3 0 980679
46(49) New Investing Pinoy 12 0 4164659
47(49) New A Teacher's Odyssey 0 3 5152241
48(48) New Teacher's Pet Corner 1 0 19205
49(45) New littlelabster 3 1 19205
50(43) New Doc Ernie's adventure 2 0 -1

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom

June 29

If you notice, some visitor counts were less than that for yesterday's counts! We are wondering if there were some adjustments. More new blogsites are entering the top 50 educational topblog rated sites! This only means that competition is getting livelier and fiercer too.

Today Prev Chg Blog Behind Google PR Alexa
1(5,020) 1(4770) +0(250) Thinking Made Easy 0 2 142395
2(3,651) 2(3581) +0(70) Coolbuster - The Power of Information 1369 3 151669
3(1,596) 3(2729) +0(-1133) PRC Board Exam Results 2055 1 4744408
4 (1,414) 6(1157) +2(257) NurseReview.Org 182 4 529838
5 (1,259) 7(966) +2(293) Smackblog 155 2 19205
6(1,235) 4(1942) -2(-707) Civil Service and PRC Board Exam Results 24 2 1172295
7 (1,020) 8(527) +1(493) jlapitan.com 215 5 973223
8 (687) 18(137) +10(550) Philippine Nursing Directory 333 1 5842318
9 (653) 10(495) +1(158) Scolex Portal 34 1 985744
10(436) 9(500) -1(-64) Maikling Kuwento 217 2 11742788
11 (429) 14(302) +3(127) Batangueno 7 3 54
12(369) 11(433) -1(-64) Philippine Nurse 60 3 1875303
13(307) 13(341) +0(-34) Ancient Digger 62 6 184477
14(280) 5(1268) -9(-988) The Resident Architect 27 1 469261
15 (232) 19(131) +4(101) linkmoko 48 3 1782309
16(217) 15(143) -1(74) NLE Results July 2010 15 1 8118515
17(203) 12(372) -5(-169) Bazics NewsFeeds 14 0 5082507
18(189) 17(138) -1(51) Mathematics and Multimedia 14 2 4
19(156) 16(141) -3(15) digital explorations 33 2 681821
20(125) 20(126) +0(-1) Pilipinas atbp. 31 1 27045955
21 (119) 23(107) +2(12) The Critical Thinker(tm) 6 4 2959311
22 (116) 35(62) +13(54) mentors town 3 2 10832418
23 (115) 25(99) +2(16) Infophalanx 1 0 14075719
24(109) New Jojoeland 6 0 8241434
25 (100) 26(90) +1(10) keeping math simple 9 2 3356902
26(96) 22(115) -4(-19) rizal college of laguna 4 1 20322468
27(95) 24(102) -3(-7) School Librarian In Action 1 6 1279637
28(90) 21(121) -7(-31) The Philippines Top Universities and colleges 5 0 16865162
29(90) 29(84) +0(6) Modern Architectural Concepts 0 4 21869859
30(85) 30(79) +0(6) Architecture Overload 5 3 12184955
31 (77) 34(63) +3(14) Christian Homeschooler 8 1 5583826
32 (76) 33(73) +1(3) pinoyachievers 1 0 15544022
33(75) 32(76) -1(-1) Board Exam Review 1 1 9754779
34(75) 28(85) -6(-10) Nursing Lectures 0 2 8323656
35 (70) 39(44) +4(26) Nursing Board Exam 5 1 3523296
36(65) 27(86) -9(-21) Hibang 5 3 8279456
37(63) 37(51) +0(12) NurseXchange.com 2 1 2901839
38(52) New EVERYTHING ABOUT EEE 11 0 -1
39 (49) 44(30) +5(19) Licensure Exam for Teachers | LET Results 3 2 6460256
40(49) 31(79) -9(-30) Coffeeholic writes 0 0 26370275
41(48) New Virtual Classroom of Prof. Lardizabal 1 0 -1
42 (44) 46(30) +4(14) CAFA Notes 4 3 14556667
43(40) 42(39) -1(1) time travelling 4 3 10312474
44(39) New UNC Placement Service 1 0 -1
45 (38) 50(25) +5(13) What is a Progressive School? 1 3 10107396
46(37) New QUANTCrunch Training Solutions & Consultancy 1 0 -1
47(37) 45(30) -2(7) PRC Board Exam Results:2 0 1 4744408
48(33) New Astrodeus Galaxy 4 0 -1
49(33) New from the mentor's desk 0 0 -1
50(31) 36(60) -14(-29) Architectural E-Books 2 2 15504526

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom

June 28

Another week of faithful reporting of topblogs/education rankings for the week, including GPR (Google Page Rank) and Alexa Rankings! Note that GPR has trouble reporting on blogs.
The field is enriched by the competition offered by the most recent web blogs which entered the Top 20 rankings, including Ancient Digger and Bazics Newsfeeds.

Top performers for this Week: Linkmoko which rose up to Rank #33 with a +14 jump and Erik John Cevas, with an +11 jump up the ranks, now at Rank #38.

Please visit the source of our data: topblogs/education

Today Prev Chg Blog Behind Google PR Alexa
1(4,770) 1(36785) +0 Thinking Made Easy 0 2 142395
2(3,581) 2(35385) +0 Coolbuster - The Power of Information 1189 3 151669
3(2,729) 3(33134) +0 PRC Board Exam Results 852 1 4744408
4(1,942) 4(15773) +0 Civil Service and PRC Board Exam Results 787 2 1172295
5 (1,268) 9(4382) +4 The Resident Architect 674 1 469261
6(1,157) 5(11222) -1 NurseReview.Org 111 4 529838
7(966) 6(7067) -1 Smackblog 191 2 19205
8(527) 8(5078) +0 jlapitan.com 439 5 973223
9 (500) 11(3548) +2 Maikling Kuwento 27 2 11742788
10(495) 10(4077) +0 Scolex Portal 5 1 985744
11 (433) 12(3472) +1 Philippine Nurse 62 3 1875303
12(372) 7(6050) -5 Bazics NewsFeeds 61 0 5082507
13 (341) 14(2224) +1 Ancient Digger 31 6 184477
14(302) 13(2514) -1 Batangueno 39 3 54
15(143) 15(2208) +0 NLE Results July 2010 159 1 8118515
16 (141) 17(1328) +1 digital explorations 2 2 681821
17(138) 16(1580) -1 Mathematics and Multimedia 3 2 4
18 (137) 24(809) +6 Philippine Nursing Directory 1 1 5842318
19 (131) 33(587) +14 linkmoko 6 3 1782309
20(126) 19(1013) -1 Pilipinas atbp. 5 1 27045955
21 (121) 27(725) +6 The Philippines Top Universities and colleges 5 0 16865162
22 (115) 26(755) +4 rizal college of laguna 6 1 20322468
23(107) 18(1023) -5 The Critical Thinker(tm) 8 4 2959311
24(102) 21(915) -3 School Librarian In Action 5 6 1279637
25(99) 20(972) -5 Infophalanx 3 0 14075719
26(90) 22(822) -4 keeping math simple 9 2 3356902
27 (86) 34(579) +7 Hibang 4 3 8279456
28 (85) 29(664) +1 Nursing Lectures 1 2 8323656
29(84) 25(757) -4 Modern Architectural Concepts 1 4 21869859
30(79) 23(821) -7 Architecture Overload 5 3 12184955
31(79) 31(625) +0 Coffeeholic writes 0 0 26370275
32(76) 28(673) -4 Board Exam Review 3 1 9754779
33(73) 32(623) -1 pinoyachievers 3 0 15544022
34 (63) 36(424) +2 Christian Homeschooler 10 1 5583826
35(62) 30(642) -5 mentors town 1 2 10832418
36 (60) 43(314) +7 Architectural E-Books 2 2 15504526
37(51) 35(473) -2 NurseXchange.com 9 1 2901839
38 (45) 49(202) +11 ErickJohnCuevas 6 0 -1
39(44) 37(408) -2 Nursing Board Exam 1 1 3523296
40 (43) 46(263) +6 Post Homework 1 0 19760801
41 (40) 44(301) +3 tips ni katoto 3 1 -1
42(39) 40(321) -2 time travelling 1 3 10312474
43 (31) 47(243) +4 LOVESUPERKARMA 8 1 780429
44(30) 38(363) -6 Licensure Exam for Teachers | LET Results 1 2 6460256
45(30) 42(319) -3 PRC Board Exam Results:2 0 1 4744408
46(30) 39(329) -7 CAFA Notes 0 3 14556667
47(29) 45(285) -2 Green Architecture 1 3 8941622
48 (28) 50(201) +2 The Sh*t Detector 1 0 4993998
49(25) 48(232) -1 Teacher's Pet Corner 3 0 19205
50(25) 41(321) -9 What is a Progressive School? 0 3 10107396

Top July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 June 30 June 29 June 28 Bottom
